1 year, 4 months, and 8 days passed and neither of us spoke...
Maybe we don't have anything to say...
Maybe we don't need to say anything...
Obviously,the relationship is ruined...
You know better than I....
Please don't blame me...
You know for sure that you are as guilty as I...
You have never been a good one...
You have never done your duties well...
And you have never loved me...
I have hardly seen your smile during my entire life...
So, why do you want me to respect you?
How can I love you when I know that you donot care?
I... I was not a good child either...
It have never respected you...
I ignored you many times when you desprately needed me...
And I just want to say something to
you            Dad, I love you. 
                             And, I beg for your forgiveness...